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WEBER 35 DCNL 2/3 parts diagram

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List of parts:

NoPart NoPricePcsDescription
16905a-1Carburetor cover
264955.104-2— Stud bolt
3N 74-2— Spring washer
434725.004-2— Securing nut
564955.009$ 54— Stud bolt
741-4Spring washer
7-4Spring washer
834725.003-4Fixing nut
9-1Spring washer
1034725.004-1Fixing nut
1152150.014$ 7.74Plate securing air horn
1234725.003-4Fixing nut
1352840.022$ 702Air horn
14-2Auxiliary Venturi extension pipe
15-1Gasket for carburetor cover
1652580.001$ 7.32Emulsioning tube holder
1777401$ 5Air corrector jet
1810410.017-1Pump control rod
1964290.005$ 32.1Pump delivery valve
2061450$ 11.32Emulsioning tube
2152140.007$ 6.9Retainer, pump plunger spring
2264955.109-Stud bolt
2377903-Idling jet holder
2447600.103$ 2.51Pump plunger spring
2541540.014$ 2.7Pump jet gasket
2673401$ 4.22Main jet
2841252.009-2Pump jet
2958602.004-1Pump plunger
3079701$ 10.41Intake valve with discharge orifice
31-1Throttles shaft
32-2Throttle valve
3364520.027-4Throttles fixing screw
3432650.003$ 2.12Ball bearing
3541570.001$ 1.12Oust cover
3647600.063$ 2.1Spring
3758000.007$ 32Small lid for spring retainer
3845034.053-1Throttles control lever
3955520.004$ 1.12Lock washer
4034710.003$ 1.12Fixing nut
4147600.007$ 2.42Spring for throttles adj. screw
4138-1Spring for throttles adj. screw
4264625.012$ 8.61Throttles adjusting screw
4358445.001-1Spring pin
4445082.013-1Pump control lever
4561015.001$ 10.42Progression orifices inspection screw
4741530.017-Gasket for float fulcrum screw
4864900.010-1Float fulcrum screw
48TS 685**-1Float fulcrum screw
4945028.040-1Shaft return lever
5047605.018-1Shaft return spring
5152010.036-1Spring retainer
5264750.001$ 42Idling mixture adjusting screw
5364955.029-4Stud bolt
55-2Auxiliary Venturi
5679504$ 19.81Needle valve
5741530.049-1Needle valve gasket
5975605$ 15.82Starting jet
6064330.003$ 9.22Starting valve
6147600.005$ 2.12Spring for valve
6212775.004$ 4.62Spring guide and retainer
6310140.010$ 3.42Circlip
6455525.010-1— Spring washer
65-1Throttles control lever
66-1Starting control
67-1— Starter control lever
6864800.002$ 81— Screw securing wire
6945025.043-1— Starting control lever
7034720.002$ 71— Nut for screw
7110085.009-1— Starting shaft
7232556.006-1— Sheath support cover
7347610.042$ 9.91Lever return spring
7464605.017$ 1.81— Screw securing sheath
7534715.010-1Lever fixing nut
7637000.016$ 5.91— Strainer
7755510.038-2— Washer
7864700.004$ 3.22— Fixing screw
8052135.008$ 51Plate
81-2Fixing screw
8255525.010-2Spring washer

Exploded view

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List of parts

https://www.carbparts.euPrices and product availability are subject to change
NoPart NoPricePcsDescription
16905a-1Carburetor cover
264955.104-2— Stud bolt
3N 74-2— Spring washer
434725.004-2— Securing nut
564955.009$ 54— Stud bolt
741-4Spring washer
7-4Spring washer
834725.003-4Fixing nut
9-1Spring washer
1034725.004-1Fixing nut
1152150.014$ 7.74Plate securing air horn
1234725.003-4Fixing nut
1352840.022$ 702Air horn
14-2Auxiliary Venturi extension pipe
15-1Gasket for carburetor cover
1652580.001$ 7.32Emulsioning tube holder
1777401$ 5Air corrector jet
1810410.017-1Pump control rod
1964290.005$ 32.1Pump delivery valve
2061450$ 11.32Emulsioning tube
2152140.007$ 6.9Retainer, pump plunger spring
2264955.109-Stud bolt
2377903-Idling jet holder
2447600.103$ 2.51Pump plunger spring
2541540.014$ 2.7Pump jet gasket
2673401$ 4.22Main jet
2841252.009-2Pump jet
2958602.004-1Pump plunger
3079701$ 10.41Intake valve with discharge orifice
31-1Throttles shaft
32-2Throttle valve
3364520.027-4Throttles fixing screw
3432650.003$ 2.12Ball bearing
3541570.001$ 1.12Oust cover
3647600.063$ 2.1Spring
3758000.007$ 32Small lid for spring retainer
3845034.053-1Throttles control lever
3955520.004$ 1.12Lock washer
4034710.003$ 1.12Fixing nut
4147600.007$ 2.42Spring for throttles adj. screw
4138-1Spring for throttles adj. screw
NoPart NoPricePcsDescription
4264625.012$ 8.61Throttles adjusting screw
4358445.001-1Spring pin
4445082.013-1Pump control lever
4561015.001$ 10.42Progression orifices inspection screw
4741530.017-Gasket for float fulcrum screw
4864900.010-1Float fulcrum screw
48TS 685**-1Float fulcrum screw
4945028.040-1Shaft return lever
5047605.018-1Shaft return spring
5152010.036-1Spring retainer
5264750.001$ 42Idling mixture adjusting screw
5364955.029-4Stud bolt
55-2Auxiliary Venturi
5679504$ 19.81Needle valve
5741530.049-1Needle valve gasket
5975605$ 15.82Starting jet
6064330.003$ 9.22Starting valve
6147600.005$ 2.12Spring for valve
6212775.004$ 4.62Spring guide and retainer
6310140.010$ 3.42Circlip
6455525.010-1— Spring washer
65-1Throttles control lever
66-1Starting control
67-1— Starter control lever
6864800.002$ 81— Screw securing wire
6945025.043-1— Starting control lever
7034720.002$ 71— Nut for screw
7110085.009-1— Starting shaft
7232556.006-1— Sheath support cover
7347610.042$ 9.91Lever return spring
7464605.017$ 1.81— Screw securing sheath
7534715.010-1Lever fixing nut
7637000.016$ 5.91— Strainer
7755510.038-2— Washer
7864700.004$ 3.22— Fixing screw
8052135.008$ 51Plate
81-2Fixing screw
8255525.010-2Spring washer